Marine Services

FIRST-ADASA GROUP is a very strong force in the marine sector, known for
executing major marine projects over time and also engage in the dredging and general
marine activities; consultancy services, hiring and chartering of tug boats, selfpropelled barges, self-propelled bunker barges for petroleum products and fresh water,
flat-top barges for dry cargo, flat-top barges with ramp and lots, also speed boats for carrying of personnel, offshore drilling rig operations, dredging of waterways and waterfronts, recruitment of marine professionals and offshore rig workers for clients in the oil industry, leasing of supply boats and tanker vessels for lifting petroleum products on behalf of oil marketing companies. It carries on the business of general marine supplies, marine maintenance, marine services, ship husbandry, shipbrokers and surveyors.
We own, operate, lease and sell coastal tankers for lifting and distribution of petroleum products around the West Coast of Africa and Europe. We also have the capacity of acquiring crude oil tankers from 500,000 barrels and above.
We render ship’s agency and clearing and forwarding services, and recruits
professional mariners of all cadres. It carries on the business of wholesale fish merchants and of deep-sea fishers. Have recently branched out into cement marketing and distribution.
We have team of expert surveyors in crude oil monitoring and surveying for vessels ranging from 500,000 barrels to 1.5 million barrels for Qua Iboe Terminal, Bonny Terminal and Escravos Terminal, respectively over the years.

In Our Marine Portfolio

1. We own, run, lease, charter and co-ordinate coastal tankers from 3,000 metric
tonnes to 25,000 metric tonnes for petroleum products i.e. P.M.S., AGO,
 We also own and have access to vessels to lift crude oil from 500,000 barrels
to 2 million barrels to any route within the globe.
2. We also have access to oil tankers of any size.
3. We own, manage and lease crew change boats, supply vessels of different
4. We also have self-propelled flat top dump barges from 300 tons to 1,000 tons
available for use at any time.
5. We have tug boats from 300 horse power to 800 horse power flat bottom for
shallow river operation, and deep sea, offshore tug and mooring boats for
tanker mooring at the loading terminals and offshore operations with 25 – 35
tons bollard pull capable of handling all the offshore jobs within the
terminals, and the refinery jetties.
6. We also have house boats of any type and size that will meet any standard for
lease and even sale.
7. We have access to charter, lease, and to operate sea planes within the Niger
Delta Region of Nigeria and West Africa.
8. We own and operate and lease suction cutter dredger from 14 inches to 25
inches size.
9. We are into communication, installing radios/satellites equipment to ease
communication within the marine sector, and any aspect of communication.
10.We are into Radar and repeater installations that can link up satellite system
by adequate monitoring of any area of interest.

Recently, FIRST-ADASA GROUP branched into the Aviation Sector, after
considering the demands of the contemporary market and the need for constant expansion in the range of air services in Nigeria. Going into this venture, we
considered first and foremost, the reliability of aircrafts provided by our company and
qualitative performance of air services.